Professor Tim Dolin, Humanities Dean Research and Graduate Studies, is delighted to welcome you to a Visualisation Evening.
Date: Wednesday 19 March 2014
Time: 5:30-7:15pm
At this free event, finger food and drinks will be provided whilst guests enjoy exhibits in both the HIVE and John Curtin Gallery. Free transportation is also included. Buses for delegates depart 5.00pm from front of the University Club (UWA) for the John Curtin Gallery. The event starts at 5.30pm. Buses depart Curtin at 7.15pm once the reception is completed (dropping off in Perth and at UWA).
Location: Curtin HIVE - Hub for Immersive Visualisation and eResearch
and John Curtin Gallery, Building 200A, Curtin University, Bentley.
The HIVE is an new facility at Curtin designed to serve the growing demands for visualisation, virtualisation and simulation. It provides four large-scale display systems, driven by high-end computers that allow the visualisation of different types of data, in varying volumes, scales and formats. The Faculty of Humanities is home to the Curtin HIVE and it is considered a perfect fit as visualisation of data in Humanities allows for simultaneous analytic, aesthetic and social use.
Highlighted works will be presented in the HIVE on the evening: Dr Andrew Hutchison will present virtual environments from the Sydney Kormoran Project.
Sydney Kormoran Project at the Curtin HIVE.
Professor Stelarc will also present a performance art piece integrating immersive visualisation, avatars and body tracking.
Attendees will also be able to view the two impressive exhibits in the John Curtin Gallery: Paramodelic-graffiti by Paramodel, and The Tenth Sentiment by Ryota Kuwakubo.
To register, please visit the conference registration site.
TILED display at the Curtin HIVE launch and Paramodelic – Graffiti, 2012, PARAMODEL, Tokyo Station Gallery. Photo: paramodel.